Class of 2016

Amutah, Christina (Political Science)
Potential for Cuban-style Health Policies in Botswana
Mentor: Dr. Ben Fred-Mensah

Banks, Kelly Psychology)
Examining Relationships between Parental Education Levels, Income, and Childhood Art Experience
Mentor: Dr. Jules Harrell

Bowen, Aisha(English)
Redefining Intelligence: Education and the Value of Non-Traditional Knowledge in The Color Purple by Alice Walker and Beloved by Toni Morrison
Mentor: Dr. Yasmin DeGout

Bowen , Savannah (English)
Black Girl Magic: Black Feminist Thought in Young Adult Fantasy Fiction
Mentor: Dr. Yasmin DeGout

Bradley, Christian  (Biology)
Inhibition of androgen efflux by ABCG2 transporters results in differention in prostate cancer
Mentor: Dr. Anna K. Allen

Branham, Rachel (Health, Human Performance and Leisure Studies)
Effects of Acute Isometric Exercise on Cardiac Autonomic Function in African Americans
Mentor: Dr. Vernon Bond

Brewer, Danielle (Biology)
Iba-1 as an Indicator of HIV-induced Neuronal Loss in the Hippocampus   
Mentor: Dr. Mark Burke

Brewton,  Honoree  (Psychology)
Immature Neuron Population in the Amygdala of Cognitively Declining Monkeys: An Alzheimer's Study
Mentor: Dr. Mark Burke

Cabbell, Nicolette (Health, Human Performance and Leisure Studies)
The Effects of Nitrate-Rich Beetroot on Cerebral Blood Flow During Exercise
Mentor: Dr. Vernon Bond

Carter, Jonathan(Political Science)
America: Ideal Form vs Reality for Blacks - Obligation to Obey the Law 
Mentor: Dr. Aaron Hanna

Chukwunenye, Amara (Psychology)
Physical Fitness, Health, Happiness and the Overweight Clause with a Focus on African American Women
Mentor: Dr Denee Mwendwa

Clarke, Narica (Biology)
Central Nervous System De-myelination in Pediatric SIV Infection   
Mentor: Dr. Mark Burke

Coombs, Shannon (History
In the Shadow of Frazier   
Mentor: Dr. Daryl Scott

Cuff, Jalyse (Biology)
Chinks in the armor: Is heavy metal uptake an effective defense for plants
Mentor: Dr. Mary McKenna

Davis, Shanice (English)
Redefining Black Womanhood: Exploring the Underprivileged Feminist in African American Literature
Mentor: Dr. Sandra Shannon

Delk, Kimberly (Political Science)
A Qualitative Analysis of the Socio-economic Effects of Linguicism and the Linguistic Relativity Theory on the African American Community   
Mentor: Dr. Michael Frazier

Fitzgerald, Derek (Biology)
 Identifying the domain of PTPN14 responsible for LATS1 in the Hippo Signaling Pathway
Mentor: Dr. Anna K. Allen

Ford, Javon (Chemistry)
The Efficacy of Antioxidants in Preventing the UV Photodegredation of Collagen
Mentor: Dr. William Stockwell

Galloway, Brittany (Biology)
Multiple Paternity in Non-native Populations of Pomacea canaliculata (Caenogastropoda: Ampullariidae)
Mentor: Dr. Kenneth Hayes

Gelin, Danoucheka (Biology)
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Mentor: Dr. Mark Burke

Grant, Alexis (Psychology)
The Influence of Alcohol Use and Religious and Spiritual Struggle on the Usefulness of Spirituality in Persevering at a Challenging Task
Mentor: Dr. Ronald  E. Hopson

Hamilton, Jillian  (Psychology)
The Role of Vaccine Efficacy in Individuals' Ebola Vaccination Decisions
Mentor: Dr. Angela Cole Dixon

Hayes, Marai (Chemistry)
Investigating the Characteristics of Silver Coated Nanoparticles and Surface Modified Silica Substrates
Mentor: Dr. Dharmaray Ragharan

Hollie, Davlyn (History)
Black Town and Settlements West of the Mississippi River, 1877-1935  
Mentor: Dr. Medford

Ikpeze, Chiamaka (Sociology and Anthropology)
Love Me: Exploring the Relation Between Social Media Usage and Self Esteem
Dr. Ralph Gomes

Jean, Elizabeth (Psychology)
Coping with Perceived Racism, Social Support, and Blood Pressure in African Americans
Mentor: Dr. Denee T. Mwendwa

Jenkins, Elizabeth(Psychology)
The Effect of Confidence in Past Performance on Future Performance
Mentor: Dr. Jamie Barden

Jones, Alana  (Classics)
What's Past is Present: Social Responses to Epidemic from the Athenian Plague to Zika
Mentors: Dr. Carrie Cowherd,  Dr. Molly Levine

Kabert, Lorrane (Biology)
Metformin Induced Changes in Leptin and Adiponectin Expression in Rat Adipose Tissues
Mentor: Dr. Joanne Allard

Kamei, Yah(Biology)
Ethogram of the Chinese Water Dragon, Physignathus cocincinus
Mentor: Dr. George Middendorf

Larsen, Victoria(Biology)
Germline genetic variants in GATA3 and breast cancer treatment outcomes in SWOG S8897 trial
Mentors: Dr. Anna K. Allen, Dr. Song Yao

Manaigo, Erin (Biology)
The effects of theymol on microbial symbioses in two types of annual lespedeza (kummerowia striata) and (kummerowia stipulacea)
Mentor: Dr. Mary McKenna

Melhotra, Ria (Philosophy)
Can God Co-exist with Evil?
Mentor: Dr. Brandon Hogan

Mills, Zachary  (Biology)
Occurrence of Leishmania in Phlebotomine Sand Flies in Northwest Ethiopia
Mentor: Dr. Courtney Robinson

Morning, Brittney (Biology)
Adrenal Androgens Increase CWR22 Growth Provide Resistance to Androgen Deprivation Therapy
Mentor: Dr. Anna K. Allen

Okon, Edidiong Abasi(Biology)
Identification and Quantification of Parinari Ethanol and Aqueous Extracts Using UHPLC - Tandem Mass Spectroscopy
Mentor: Dr. Oyonumo Ntekim

Olaitan, Oluwatosin (Chemistry)
Arterial Compliance in Young Obese Adult African American Females with and without Parental History of Hypertension
Mentor: Dr. Vernon Bond

Pailin, Jillian (Biology)
Reduced Neurological deficits in pediatric SIV Infection using Antibody SMI-311 in collaboration with Iba-1 as Indicator of HIV-induced Neuronal Loss in the Hippocampus
Mentor: Dr. Mark Burke

Phillips, Elise (Political Science)
The Revolution of the Dominican  Republic: The Taste for Independence and its American Influence
Mentor: Dr. John Cotman

Ramirez, Kristina(Biology)
etr-1 plays a novel role in reproduction in Caenorhabditis elegans males
Mentor: Dr. Anna K. Allen

Rivers, Tayannah  (Biology)
Effects of Previous Exposure and Ni-hyperaccumulation on speacialists herbivore, Murgantia histrionica
Mentor: Dr. Mary McKenna

Roberts, Armisha (Mathematics)
Occupational Pairing
Mentor: Dr. Crepin Mahop

Romeo, Clara-Grazia  (English)
Women's Evolving Roles in Dystopian Literature
Mentor: Dr. Gregory Hampton

Simmons, Ashley Keyanna (Biology)
Biochemical Justification for the Use of Penicillin G as a Treatment for Latent Syphilis During the 40-Year United States Public Health Service Study at Tuskegee University; Supported by Historical, Biotechnological and Sociopolitical Factors
Mentor: Dr. Anna K. Allen

Taylor, Alysa  (Psychology)
Cultural and Academic Socialization: The effects of Parental Involvement on School Performance among African American  Youth
Mentor: Dr. Debra Roberts

Thomas, Antolice(Biology)
Development NMDAR Blockade and Sexual Dimorphic Alterations in Biochemical Markers of GABAergic Signaling
Mentor: Dr. Kevin Jones

Walters, Erin (Biology)
Neuroinflammation in Hippocampus of Pediatric SIV Infected Monkeys
Mentor: Dr. Mark Burke

Ware, Kyaira  (Biology)
Tree of Heaven?...Tree of Hell?: The effect of Ailanthus altissima on nitrogen uptake in Robinia pseudoacacia
Mentors: Dr. Hemayet Ullah, Dr. David Carr

Wells, Lauren (Chemistry)
Scaffold of Silver Chloride/Poly (3-hydroxylbutyrate-co-3-hydroxylvalerate) (AgCI/PHBV) for Potential Bone Tissue Regeneration Application
Mentor: Dr. Dharmaray Ragharan

Wilcher, Kaila  (Health, Human Performance and Leisure Studies)
Green Coffe Bean Extract Has a Hypotensive Effect and Decreases Arterial Stiffness in Obese Young Adult African American Women
Mentor: Dr. Vernon Bond

Williams, Jahniece (Biology)
Detection of Superoxide Dismutase Activity in C. elegans
Mentor: Dr. Atanu Duttaroy